like hallelujah
a bowl of palms held out like bread in the space between your hands and mine // the moment between giving and receiving in which the two form an indecipherable loop
like hallelujah emu have pneumatized femurs and cervical vertebrae meaning they breathe with their bones and we wonder what more we could possibly come to – I say: grandfathers at the golf course on saturday mornings pushing strollers in place of clubs and jugs of water carried not by magic but by hands to thirsty bodies that don’t turn to bones under the Texas sun the compass always pointing north perhaps even babies with no need of bows to ensure the broader public does its part in narrowing the possibilities of a life or even just continually renewed compassion even just a bowl of palms held out like bread in the space between your hands and mine the moment between giving and receiving in which the two form an indecipherable loop – what are we so afraid of men weeping openly singing songs to one another for the joy of it the furrow of our brow washing downward making room for eyes that smart upon a shared sky heavily populated with the sounds of our own tongues trilling like a purr | like hollow bones gone to water | like hallelujah
I’m doing a good job. You’re doing a good job.